Le nostre guide sono locali che vivono o studiano ad Amsterdam. 🚲 Yellow Bike è il più antico fornitore di tour in bicicletta di Amsterdam. 🚲 I nostri tour in bicicletta sono adatti a tutte le età. 🚲 Con un tour in bicicletta di due ore potrete vedere gran parte della città!
Tour guidati in bicicletta popolari
Visitare Zaanse Schans in bicicletta elettrica
Visitate i famosi mulini a vento olandesi, un produttore di zoccoli e un'azienda casearia. Si tratta di un piacevole tour in e-bike verso la pittoresca Zaanse Schans.
- 6 ora
- Vélo électrique
- Guide convivial
- Voyagez vert!
Punti salienti di Amsterdam Tour in Bicicletta 2h
I partecipanti ci dicono spesso: “Ho visto più cose di Amsterdam in queste due ore che in tutta la mia settimana di vacanza!”
- 2 ora
- Bicicletta includa
- Vedere tanta Amsterdam in poco tiempo
- Partenza giornaliera: 11AM e 1:30PM
Pacchetto: Crociera sui canali e Tour in bicicletta
Aggiungi questa crociera sul canale al tuo carrello per creare una gita di un giorno!
- 1 ora
- Facile da prenotare, ad un buon prezzo
- Ideale per piccoli gruppi
- Bicicletta inclusa
Tutti i nostri tour in bicicletta ad Amsterdam…
Cosa dicono i nostri clienti
Ai miei studenti lo hanno adorato! Se c’è una cosa da fare ad Amsterdam, è questa.
Willem is cool. Would recommend. Good for mind and body.
Happy Customer
I am not that comfortable on bikes and was a bit nervous riding around Amsterdam, but thought this would be a great way to keep my sons entertained and see the city. I enjoyed it so much! Willem was a great guide. Really interesting information and not an overload of history (although the parts we learned were fascinating). The weather helped keep the roads and paths a bit quieter than usual I think which helped. I was impressed with the ability to guide bikes all over the city!
Happy Customer
Thank you for a fun and relaxing tour of Amsterdam North. We loved it. Amsterdam North is completely different from the historic part of the city, with its own unique atmosphere and architecture. David was our guide. We recommend taking this tour!
Happy Customer
Our guide Mika was great. He was fun and funny, and gave a great introduction to Amsterdam. The bicycles were clean and well maintained. My family included an 11year old girl, a 17 year old boy, and two 40 year old adults. The pace was leisurely, and easy. 100% would recommend Yellow Bike and their group tours in Amsterdam.
Happy Customer
My partner and I were lucky enough to be the only ones doing the tour on a cold but sunny day. Our guide, Joep, was a veritable font of knowledge and carefully helped us navigate around the city. Highly recommended.
Happy Customer
Our group ride for the Winter Light Art Bike Tour turned into a private tour with Willem, since we were the only two to sign up. William is a terrific guide, he started us off by giving us instruction to ride safely here in Amsterdam. He is also a wealth of knowledge on the artists, their work and local sights too. William shared information on Amsterdam’s history - which we truly appreciated. We enjoyed a nice break with gluewein on the art bench, that was created to encourage friendship among strangers. At the end of our tour, we asked William for restaurant recommendations and he didn’t disappoint! If the weather is inclement, they do offer a small assortment of cold winter gear at the front of the shop. We *highly recommend the “Winter Art Light Bike Tour” with Yellow Bike.
Happy Customer
My wife and I went to the 5 hour e-bike trip to Zanse Schans windmill. It was a wonderful experience. From well maintained bikes to a wonderful guide, Jan, we had some great moments exploring Amsterdam and nearby of the less explored areas. The tour which consisted of amazing scenery - from quiet villages, swampy marshlands, and touristy windmills. We enjoyed the entire experience and cannot recommend this trip highly enough for someone with enough time on their hands. The e-bike makes cycling easy even for a person who doesn't cycle much (like me!). 🙂
Happy Customer
Nice place to rent bikes & very friendly for all people
Happy Customer
Onze ervaring met Yellow Bikes was geweldig! Luca was onze gids tijdens een 2 uur durende fietstocht, ondanks het regenachtige weer bleef zij heel vrolijk en professioneel. Het was een leuke manier om de stad te verkennen, vooral voor onze twee zonen van 14 en 18 jaar oud. We raden het zeker aan!
Happy Customer
Our family of four ( two kids aged 11 and 10) went on the 4 hour countryside bike tour and enjoyed cycling round the very flat countryside north of Amsterdam. Lots of green fields, cows, pretty villages and an old windmill. Our guide Bart was very friendly and knowledgable and gave us enough historic information about various places along the route. The cycling was very easy but fun and we had a nice short stop half way for apple pie at a small cafe in one of the villages . We thoroughly enjoyed it.
Happy Customer
Как вы понимаете, в Амстердам я поехала покататься на велике!
Happy Customer
We had a great time today! Jasper was very kind and an excellent guide. I highly recommend taking a Yellow Bike tour!
Happy Customer
Yellow Bike Keizersgracht
Happy Customer
De boa na lagoa
Happy Customer
From Korea with love!
Happy Customer
My Yellow Bike in Amsterdam
Happy Customer
Thanks to #yellowbikeamsterdam for a great tour
Happy Customer
Didn’t expect the guide to have such depth of knowledge. Nils turned biking in Amsterdam from a bit intimidating to fun and educational.
Happy Customer
We have our bikes and we are ready to go! Amsterdam Bike Tour!
Happy Customer
#CountrysideBikeTour was one of my favourite part in #Amsterdam...12-13 kms and 4 hours of Awesomeness!!! #YellowBike #SoMuchFun
Happy Customer
The best way to discover this city, is biking.
Happy Customer
Happy Customer
Gut organisierte Fahrradtour ins idyllische Umland von Amsterdam, unser Guide war eine total sympathische junge Holländerin, die diese Tour mit viel Engagement und Souveränität durchgeführt hat. Die Fahrräder sind gepflegt und haben keine Schaltung, so dass alle ein gleichmäßiges Tempo radeln müssen und können, was die Tour auch in einer größeren Gruppe angenehm beschaulich macht.
Happy Customer
City bike tour with this cool fella as our tour guide.
Happy Customer
Adventure on wheels!
Happy Customer
HoHoHo #marryxmas
Happy Customer
Best way to explore the streets of #amsterdam #yellowbikeamsterdam #ootd #citysightseeing #travelgram #travel #streetphotography #explore
Happy Customer
Op één groepje na zijn alle gasten ‘droog’ aangekomen in het restaurant. Mijn groepje heeft helaas een fikse bui op zijn hoofd gehad. Ik vond jullie support super. Zowel in het voortraject als tijdens het event. Was echt fijn samenwerken. Enige kleine minpunt… de gids van mijn groepje wilde alleen overal stoppen (o.a. het Anne Frank Huis). Ik heb hem gevraagd of het tempo omhoog te gooien. Meer fietsen en minder stilstaan en praten. Het jammere is dat dan ook juist mijn groepje de bui op zijn hoofd heeft gekregen waardoor de feedback was dat als we minder lang gestopt waren wij ook droog aangekomen waren. Hij had ook juist de CEO & CFO in de groep en de meeste Nederlanders 🙂 Dat zal je altijd zien… Linn, nogmaals ik ben super positief en boek graag nog eens een tour bij jullie.
Happy Customer
Noleggio biciclette vicino alla Stazione Centrale di Amsterdam
Punto di raccolta: Nieuwezijds Kolk 29. La nostra sede si trova a 5 minuti a piedi dalla stazione centrale di Amsterdam.
Rent a Yellow Bike
- Handbrake plus kick brake
- Child seats and kids bikes
- Xs/S/M/L bike heights
- Light gear
- From € 8,-
Posso prenotare un tour in bicicletta di Amsterdam in inglese, francese, tedesco…?
Tutti i nostri tour sono disponibili in inglese e olandese. Per il francese e il tedesco è utile prenotare con largo anticipo per aumentare la possibilità che le nostre guide siano disponibili. Tuttavia, non esitate a provare all’ultimo minuto.
Volete saperne di più sulla possibilità di fare un tour in bicicletta ad Amsterdam?
- Date un’occhiata alla panoramica delle nostre torri.
- Contattate il nostro ufficio, parliamo inglese e siamo felici di rispondere al telefono tutti i giorni della settimana o di rispondere alle vostre domande su Whatsapp.
- Date un’occhiata alle Domande frequenti.
Domande frequenti su Amsterdam
- Quali sono le regole di base del ciclismo ad Amsterdam e nei Paesi Bassi?
- Quanti giorni gratuiti di noleggio bici ho a disposizione con la Amsterdam City Card? Risposta: Sempre 24h, indipendentemente dal numero di giorni di validità della City Card. Questo vale per tutte le società di noleggio biciclette di Amsterdam.
- L’acqua del rubinetto è sicura ad Amsterdam? Sì, è di ottima qualità!
- Qual è il fuso orario di Amsterdam? GMT+1. In inverno: 6 ore avanti rispetto a New York. Siamo nello stesso fuso orario di Roma e Parigi.
Alcune curiosità sulla bicicletta ad Amsterdam
Quante biciclette ci sono ad Amsterdam?
Si stima che Amsterdam abbia circa 881.000 biciclette. Si tratta di una stima del 2012. Ogni giorno, circa 400.000 persone vanno in bicicletta, con una media di 665.000 corse. (Fonte : https://www.fietsberaad.nl/ and https://onderzoek.amsterdam.nl/artikelen/amsterdam-als-fietsstad.)
Quante biciclette vengono rimosse dal comune?
Il deposito biciclette rimuove molte biciclette perché parcheggiate in modo scorretto o classificate come rottami. In questo modo manteniamo la città pulita e ordinata. Ma sì, è fastidioso se la perdete all’improvviso perché andavate di fretta o non avete notato un cartello!
Il Bicycle Depot ha rimosso più di 81.000 biciclette nel 2017. (fonte: giornale olandese Het Parool) È possibile farsi consegnare la bicicletta a casa a pagamento o ritirarla presso il deposito stesso. Un’impresa non da poco, a cui lo stesso Het Parool ha dedicato un ampio articolo nel 2023.
Quante biciclette vengono rubate ad Amsterdam?
Negli ultimi anni, ad Amsterdam sono stati denunciati circa 11.000 furti di biciclette all’anno. Si noti che molte persone non denunciano i furti, quindi pensiamo che il dato possa essere facilmente raddoppiato! Che ci crediate o no, anche le nostre biciclette gialle vengono rubate regolarmente. Per questo motivo consigliamo sempre di stipulare un’assicurazione contro il furto per il vostro noleggio di biciclette ad Amsterdam.