Biking through the bustling streets of Amsterdam is a fantastic experience, but it can also be a bit overwhelming if you’re not familiar with the crucial cycling rules to follow. No worries – this guide is here to equip you with all the knowledge you need to pedal safely and within the law in the Netherlands.
Introduction to Urban Bike Rules
From signaling your intentions to changing directions to ensuring your bike shines bright with proper lighting, these cycling rules will serve as your compass to navigate the urban landscape, making you visible to both drivers and pedestrians. We’ll share our insights on navigating bike paths and crossing intersections securely. By adhering to these rules, you’ll confidently take to the streets, embracing the joy and freedom of cycling in the city.
By adhering to traffic regulations, you contribute to overall road safety. It helps prevent accidents and injuries. Following the rules reduces the risk of collisions with other vehicles and pedestrians. Lastly, it helps you avoid fines.
Rent a Yellow Bike
- Handbrake plus kick brake
- Child seats and kids bikes
- Xs/S/M/L bike heights
- Light gear
- From € 8,-

Cycling rules for Bike Lanes and Roads
Bike lanes are your designated route whenever possible. Glide along these lanes or bike paths gracefully if available. In their absence, you’re welcome to join the regular roadway party.
One-Way Adventures
When streets are one-way, follow the flow. Stick to the indicated direction, even if it means resisting the urge for a spontaneous U-turn. However, sometimes bikes are excluded from this rule. This is indicated with a small sign below the stop sign. See the red traffic plate in this picture:
Signaling Your Intentions
Cycling Rules: Hand Gestures
Picture it as a bike ballet – when turning or changing lanes, communicate with your fellow road performers using hand signals. It’s like a choreographed routine, but without the sequins. First, take a quick glance over your left shoulder to check for traffic, when the road is clear, signal your intended direction by waving your hand.
Giving the Right of Way
Roll out the red carpet for pedestrians. Yield to them at crosswalks and zebra crossings as if they were the VIPs crossing the red carpet.
- When crossing paths with traffic from the right, let them lead the dance. Grant them the right of way, unless instructed otherwise.
- Shark teeth pointing in your direction, on the road, means that you grant crossing traffic the right of way!
Respecting Traffic Lights
Red Means Stop. Traffic signals are your stage directions. Respect them like a Shakespearean actor. Halt at red lights, and pedal on when the lights flash green.
Mobile Devices: Hands Off
Save your phone chat for when you’re not cycling. Keep your hands on the handlebars and off your mobile device. Hands-free gadgets are your best buddies on this ride! Although the easiest option is to just stop for a while near the sidewalk, do your thing and continue afterwards. Alternatively, when used for navigation, Yellow Bike has smartphone holders available to rent at the counter.
Sober Riding: Stay Clear-Headed
A bike ride isn’t a free pass for a tipsy (or stoned… &_& ) adventure. Cycling under the influence is a no-go, as it could lead to fines from 200 Euro and up.
Bike Lighting
Light up the darkness with your bike’s illumination. Equip both front and rear lights, especially when the sun bids adieu. Be a shining star in the twilight. I keeps you safe and avoids a fine. All Yellow Bikes have a front and rear light, most of the lights will turn on automatically in the dark, located near the wheel.
Parking Etiquette: Park and Roll
City Center: Park your bike in designated spots. Parking your bike outside the bike parking areas in the city center may lead to the city removing your bike. They charge a fee for this that you can pay at the Yellow Bike office. It’s easy to avoid this by looking for an official bike parking. See picture below.
Outside the city center: it is OK to park your bike on the sidewalk, as long as there is enough space for people to walk.
Alert Others: Your Bike’s Musical Bell
Your bike has a voice – a bell that speaks up to alert fellow road users. Use it to give a friendly warning and ensure you’re not the surprise guest in someone’s path when they are not paying attention. Please don’t use it as a way to express your feelings of joy. 😉
Safety Gear for Cyclists
A helmet is available for hire as an add-on. This is not obligatory in Amsterdam. Wearing it does reduce the risk of head injury in case of a tumble.
- Yellow Bikes stand out in traffic, with it’s yellow color! The bikes have front and back lights and reflectors.
- Reflective gear adds an extra layer of visibility.
More Tips for Navigating the City Safely
Predictable riding is key – leave the dramatic surprises for the theater. When drivers adhere to consistent behaviors, like using turn signals, obeying traffic lights, and yielding to pedestrians, it minimizes unexpected actions that can disrupt the rhythm of traffic and makes your own experience safer as well.
Unpredictable actions that confuse other traffic participants may be:
- Stopping suddenly on a bike line or crossing, without signaling.
- Slowing your speed without looking behind you first. If another cyclist is too close behind you and there is no obvious reason for slowing your speed, this may lead to a collision as well.
Interacting with Pedestrians
Navigating city streets means knowing how to interact with pedestrians and vehicles. Slow down and give pedestrians enough space when approaching crosswalks. A bell or a polite announcement can alert them to your presence. Get off your bike when you have to use a sidewalk, and everybody will be very pleased with your kind behavior!
Dealing with Common Street Hazards: Tram tracks and taxi
- Be cautious when passing parked cars to avoid sudden car door openings.
- Cross tram tracks sideways to prevent getting stuck with your wheel and falling.
- Taxi’s are allowed to ride most tram tracks, and therefore can be a bit unexpected in that lane
- Exercise caution around large vehicles, as they usually have blind spots.
Legal Consequences of Breaking Cycling Rules
Ignoring bike rules can have legal consequences in the Netherlands. Depending on the severity of the violation, you might receive a warning or a fine. Usually, police is quite relaxed. Also, there is no corruption with fines. If you receive a fine, you can be assured that you are dealing with a legitimate police officer, so please be respectful. The police exercises regular checks, for example they will check for functioning lights on evenings in autumn around sunset.
By adhering to the cycling rules, you’re not just protecting yourself; you’re setting an example for other cyclists and you’re contributing to the positive biking culture we have in Amsterdam!
However, examples of possible fines are:
- Cycling on the sidewalk, possible fine: € 605,-
- Cycling with a mobile phone, possible fine: € 140,-
- Cycling without lights in the dark: € 55,- per missing light (front or back)
If you are in a pub in Amsterdam and want to get some locals talking? Ask them about their worst police fines for bicycling. They may have some stories.
Other bike signs you may encounter
Riding a bike is allowed. The triangular sign on the left is a warning sign for car drivers: bikes may be in the same lane and this can be dangerous. Mostly used on roads where bikes are unexpected.
Forbidden to ride a bike here!
Ride Joyfully
These were the most essential rules, you are up to speed now with all the locals! We hope you enjoy the freedom of biking!
Berit & Guido
Rent a Yellow Bike
- Handbrake plus kick brake
- Child seats and kids bikes
- Xs/S/M/L bike heights
- Light gear
- From € 8,-